5 Misconceptions About Interior Designers

Like other professions, Interior Design comes with a slew of misconceptions. We've heard and seen just about all of it here at Jordan Morrissey Interior Design. Thanks to platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, anyone can save inspiration and style their home in a certain way. Unfortunately, this has led many to assume that's all you need to be an interior designer.

But the truth is, interior design is both a science and an art form. There is so much to consider and take into account when designing a new custom home or remodeling a kitchen. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to design a home that's perfect for the owner.

Furthermore, many believe interior designers only care about making their clients' homes look perfect and don't care about what the homeowners want. But this just isn't true! Interior designers can be a great resource for homeowners who are looking to update their homes but don't know where to start. So, let's start by disproving some of these common misconceptions you might hear about interior designers.

Deer Run kitchen sink and cabinets

Deer Run Projects from 2020

1. Interior Designers are Expensive

One of the most common misconceptions about interior designers is that they are expensive. This couldn't be further from the truth! In fact, hiring an interior designer can save you money in the long run. Interior designers have access to trade discounts and can often get materials at a lower cost than you can on your own. In addition, they can help you avoid making costly mistakes if you are trying to design your space on your own.

If you're considering hiring an interior designer, be sure to get recommendations from friends or family members who have previously worked with a designer. You can also search online for reviews of local designers. And once you've found a designer you're interested in working with, be sure to ask for a detailed estimate of their services before you commit to anything.

2. Interior Designers are Decorators and Stylists

Another common misconception people have about interior designers is that they are simply decorators and stylists. While it is true that interior designers can help you select furniture, fabrics, and finishes for your home, their role goes far beyond simply making things look pretty.

Interior designers are trained in space planning, ergonomics, and the principles of design, and they use these skills to create functional, beautiful spaces that meet the specific needs of their clients. So, when hiring an interior designer, ask about their qualifications and experience to ensure they are the right fit for your project.

3. Interior Designers Tell You What To Do & How To Do It

Probably the most frustrating misconception we battle is the idea that interior designers tell clients what to do and how to do it. The truth is, the best interior designers work collaboratively with their clients to create spaces that reflect their unique needs and preferences. And we are no different!

We start by getting to know you and your family. This step helps us understand how you use your home and what kind of atmosphere you want to create. From there, we help you select a color scheme, furniture, and accessories that will bring the vision to life. Of course, we also offer our expertise when it comes to making sure the space is functional and comfortable. But at the end of the day, it's your decision what goes in your home – we just help you make it happen!

Willow ridge living room

Willow Ridge formal living room with couch and painting

4. Interior Designing Requires Little Technical Skills

When you think of interior design, you probably don't think about all the technical skills required to design a space. So, it's no surprise that you probably hold the common misconception that interior designers don't need or use any of these skills. However, that just isn't the case. 

To create functional and beautiful spaces, interior designers need to understand space planning, construction, electrical systems, and more. In addition, they need to be able to communicate effectively with clients and contractors. Since we work closely with local home builders, we definitely need to have these skills, and we use them daily! We take pride in understanding all the moving parts of a remodel or build, and it helps us be better for our clients. 

5. Interior Designers Only Work on "Fancy" Homes

Finally, people often say interior designers only work on "fancy homes." But this term is subjective, and we believe every home can be beautiful. The truth is, we work on all kinds of homes. So whether you choose a custom-built home with one of our local partners, or you want to remodel the kitchen in your home built in the '90s -- We got you! 

Furthermore, we work with clients in all phases of their lives. Some are new homeowners, while others are growing families. Some are even empty nesters, looking for more space for the grandkids. Remember: No matter your budget or taste, an interior designer can help you create a stylish and functional home. So if you're ever in need of some help with your home's décor, don't hesitate to give us a call.

Jordan Morrissey Interior Design - Zionville's Trusted Interior Designer

If your first experience with an interior designer didn't go so well, then it was them, not you! For a designer/client relationship to work, we have to jive and get along. You should also look for a designer with a portfolio full of examples and styles that fit your vision. At Jordan Morrissey Interior Design, we'd love to be that designer for your next home build or kitchen remodel! So get in touch with us today, and let's transform your space!


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